Frequently Asked Questions
These Events – Where Does Money Go From My Ticket?
This is a nonprofit social organizing platform. The funds from your ticket goes from you to the venue. We keep costs for the event as attractive and affordable as possible.
These Monthly Fundraisers – What’s The Point?
Our awesome Outreach Ambassadors each organize a health/fitness related fundraising event for the benefit of one of our nonprofit partners. Our goal is to engage in fundraising efforts to bring people together in-between our social events, doing something healthy that we might pay for anyway, all for a good cause. This helps continue to spread awareness doing something outside of volunteer, that also benefits our nonprofit partners in another way: raising money.
Why Is Chicago Reach A Thing?
Chicago Reach is designed to build community. Our approach continues to evolve since our inception in 2016, and our goal is to continue providing a platform for individuals to expand our perspectives in the Chicago community. We strive to continue to provide ample opportunities for each person to do their part, no matter how big or small, engaging in any aspect of Chicago Reach to improve their perspective on the Chicago community. Through reading our updates, volunteering, attending an event, or participating in a fundraising effort, doing your part expands our impact on the future of our Chicago community.
Why Join The Chicago Reach Team?
Your Chicago Reach crew is an active, creative bunch that enjoys connecting social circles and bringing people together for cool opportunities in Chicago. We embrace learning about Chicago in creative ways, and finding more ways to help our local nonprofits carry out their missions. As we think through new ideas, we figure out best practices to put them into action to keep moving forward.